Saturday, August 12, 2006

ERN Says Leaders Should Blog

I've been checking out John Sumser's stuff at Electronic Recruiting News for what seems like forever and would even recommend signing up for the Bugler. Of course just last night I had the pleasure of coming across something that gave me one of those moments when I thwack myself on the forehead and exclaim, "Why didn't I post that first?!"

I managed to catch up on some of my reading last night and found Sumser's latest in a series he's doing where he mentions why leaders should be blogging and lays out 10 reasons for Recruiting Blogs. They are most definitely worth listing here:

  1. To more deeply engage the marketplace in a conversation.

  2. To demonstrate the way that your organization practices flatness

  3. To educate your customers about your work, products and services

  4. To give prospective customers, partners and employees a real sense of what you are like

  5. To have a ready built PR response mechanism

  6. To engage your competitors on a field that you can control

  7. To show how your team actually accomplishes things

  8. To create a communications platform that is more substantial than marketing slogans

  9. To create a force that pulls people towards your business (attraction)

  10. To develop a richer vein of search engine visibility.

Head over and check out the rest of the article here. (Who knew that IBM had 300+ bloggers?)