The answer to that question is easy - I've been working on a new one. It will be ready soon and will have a neat surprise for those of you that surf a few of the different channels I'm always on.
But the other question in most of those (I say "most" - there were only 7) was WHY I'm so in love with Google. Okay.... I'll answer this by asking - Who isn't?
Alas, I know this isn't really an answer. So let me enlighten my friends with why I love Google so much.
So here are a few reasons that just pop into my head because I use them mainly for work nearly every single day. Yes, I said EVERY.
- Razor Sharp search technology
Whether it's simply searches you're conducting or something much more complex, Google does it. Everyone knows about AND, OR, INCLUDE and EXCLUDE. But very few are aware of DATE:, FILETYPE:, INFO, and one of my favorites, SITE:
Example: will return results only from
Example: filetype:doc will bring back results that are in MS Word format.
Example: date:3 will bring back results that are dated within the previous 3 months.
All very useful to a recruiter, eh? - Power Searching for Images (face recognition!)
What a great way to find elusive Album Art for downloaded music! Uh... I mean... what a great way to find album art... uhm... nevermind. - Blog Searches
Quickly search the entire blogosphere for information based on the keywords you enter. Looking for that blog by that crazy cat, RecruiterGuy, but can't remember where it was on the www? Just do a quick search via Google blogsearch to get a whole list of where he's hanging out. - Traveler Searches
Sure, I know how to check the weather to help me decide if I need to bring my golf clubs on a lengthy recruiting trip but... did you know I can also check my flight status and get departure times and any issues that could be causing delay? - The Maps!
Oh... the maps. This feature alone is it's own post... nay, it's own page. I've just found a creative new way to track my running using the maps. An example of RecruiterGuy's Google Maps. - GoogleTalk
Another great communication tool from Google. I average about 4 conversations a week from job seekers or recruiters looking to join our team. (and my daughter sends me quick updates when I'm on the road.) - NewsGroups
Sure, usenet paved the way back in the late 70's but Google's tweaking the future. Of course, truth be told - Usenet postings from the early 80's can be found archived in the Google Groups. Showing off? Yeah, probably a little. - Picasa
Image editing made super simple. Even upon installation this great little app scans your entire computer for all images - and makes them available with just a few clicks for edits and uploads to an entire online album that, yes, it also starts and hosts for you.
Did I mention that it makes movies from your images? - Blogger
Okay - yeah, it's just an easy blogging tool that is really user friendly. But as mentioned just above - Picasa effortlessly transfers images straight to your blog. - Analytics
In depth tracking tool for multiple sites. You need only stick in some quick html before the [/body] tag of your templates and off you go. Of course, it's still got a little ways to go as it's not so friendly with MySpace and other social sites... but it'll get there, I think.